今時今日, 每個會化妝的女人都總會試過好幾個不同的BB/CC cushion吧.
剛剛在跟朋友討論時, 才發現原來大大少少的cushion我也試了不少. 有的我很愛有的很不愛, 也就留個紀綠吧. BB/CC cushion的好是永遠都是1+1, 即可以容易跟朋友各人一盒refill分拆嘗試. 不用完全負責整個30ml. 以下有不少都是這樣分來試的.
Whoo Gold Cushion
新近入手的是Whoo的"美奢華黃金氣墊霜特別套裝" (Copy/Paste來的.
我對這種名字完全抗拒, 反正是gold cushion囉). 年尾special, 有特別盒裝跟一支15ml cc cream. 水貨店大概 $450. 專櫃價 $518.
先說明一下, 我對后的packaging是完全抗拒的. 不論是所謂原本的包裝 (質感像小朋友玩具的膠盒) 還是這種所謂special packaging (咩事, 清朝?).
但是!! 以我這乾肌中女的秋冬皮膚, 這個cushion剛剛上面時有點太光, 但給他一點時間, 會神奇地blend in, 輕微乾紋也因光澤折射而消失.
帶有微人參味. 光澤感偏強, 油潤, 只宜乾肌秋冬使用.
Amore Pacific Anti-aging Color Control Cushion
這個, 差不多是我最愛的cushion. 香港價 $550左右, 韓國dutyfree買一套兩set可能會平一點. 前後我已經用了2 set了.
夏天用也不出油或浮粉, long lasting, 非常自然. 只有輕微光澤感. 完全是那種裝素顏的感覺. 但如想要coverage則可能不夠.
我只用過anti-aging這一款, 另外基本那一個沒能對比. 但是到了夏天這個我是會再買的.
JungSaemMool cushion
化妝大師的化妝品我大部份都很愛. Foundation更是極品. 不過這個cushion則有點令我失望.
買的時候是9月尾10月頭. 但半乾人如我竟然會強烈感到面頰收緊的乾燥感. Coverage偏高, 但可能要留待夏天再試. 油潤人可考慮.
Vidi Vici 美白 cushion
VV的cushion每年都會轉版, 所以我試的這個圓盒 version在 official site已經找不到了.
反正不好用, 朋友跟我兩人都半天就一臉油. 韓國買, 當時有promotion, 價錢忘了.
(但他的 foundation跟 eyeshadow lip color我都很愛的!)
雪花秀 perfecting cushion
幾年前用的了. 我仍然愛他的coverage與long lasting, 但世上cushion這麼多, 臉只有一塊, 暫時回原去了.
(對呀, 其實我未死, 仍然在買, 只是selective了, 也懶寫了一點)
內衣系列: Regina Miracle
寫開又寫, 又回到內衣系列好了.
當初我是走過Regina Miracle見他外貌上至少是比較多光面bra, 款色偏簡單才入去的. 要一讚是我的大size他們也有出光面t-shirt bra. (你知道在香港這是多困難的一件事嗎?) 當然款色選擇也只有兩三款了. 但總比其他品牌好.
當初穿上後, 感覺真是不錯的. Fitting與shape都附合要度求. 重點是大size也不會有很sharp的胸. 以性價比來算, 是ok的.
唯一問題只是long lasting的issue, 他們的bra, 穿半年左右, 胸圍兩側的elastic會開始鬆, 然後就整個bra開始散開, 可以解決了....
另外一提是, 他們的seamless underwear, 是非常好穿的. 有機會的話可以一試.
當初我是走過Regina Miracle見他外貌上至少是比較多光面bra, 款色偏簡單才入去的. 要一讚是我的大size他們也有出光面t-shirt bra. (你知道在香港這是多困難的一件事嗎?) 當然款色選擇也只有兩三款了. 但總比其他品牌好.
當初穿上後, 感覺真是不錯的. Fitting與shape都附合要度求. 重點是大size也不會有很sharp的胸. 以性價比來算, 是ok的.
唯一問題只是long lasting的issue, 他們的bra, 穿半年左右, 胸圍兩側的elastic會開始鬆, 然後就整個bra開始散開, 可以解決了....
另外一提是, 他們的seamless underwear, 是非常好穿的. 有機會的話可以一試.
JungSaemMool makeup collection
出發前原本已經打算入貨的我,google了好多也找不到多少非韓文的JSM product review, 所以既然這樣,就自己寫一次好了。
Before my Korea trip I searched high and low but could not find much user review on the Jung Saem Mool products in non Korean language, so when I finally made it I decided to document this.
這次我去了兩家不同的salon 入了兩次貨,一次在Salon West一次在明洞的Avenue L。在Salon West時店員外語能力極為欠缺,在Avenue L的店員則意外地英文能力較高,後來更出動會英語的化妝師直接講解給我們,所以要買的話,請直接到Avenue L吧。
留意所有網上 (https://www.jsmbeauty.com/) 見有的package都只能online買,店內是沒有的。
We went to 2 different salons and while all of them sell their products, the staff at Salon West barely speaks any English but the staff at Avenue L were probably more used to serving foreign clients, were much more comfortable attempting the conversation in English, and eventually even asked the make up artist (who did spoke fluent English) to help us.
Note that all special packages you see online (https://www.jsmbeauty.com/) are only available online but not available at the store.
*this is just going to be a quick write up of what I've learned after buying them, I may post another review after I've used them for a while.
Essential star-cealer foundation (₩ 42,000)是有2款的,有分油潤版 (光面盒)和乾身版(啞色盒)。 原本我們也只是問了化妝師兩句,她才提到這一點。
Apparently there are 2 different formula for the Star-cealer foundation. One is more moisturizing (glossy box) and the other one is lighter (matte box). The makeup artist suggested that we use the lighter one since we live in humid weather.
我原來是沒打算買這個的,因為前身的MULE我用過後雖然愛上它的coverage與smooth finish。但在可惡的濕熱香港天氣下,只有大概12月1月的冬天時候可用,任何其他日子也只會浪費。但這次朋友買了以後驚為天人,著我試了上臉後也發現應該是轉formula了,MULE上臉後會有的包覆感沒有了。什至在乾燥的韓國天氣用乾爽版是有太乾的感覺,要加強保濕base才行。
I was NOT planning on buying this since I had the MULE from 2 years ago and while the coverage was amazing, it didn't suit the HK humid weather and melts, hence I can only use it for maybe 2 months of the year. However with the new Star-cealer foundation, this was a completely different texture and even felt a bit dry in the Korea weather.
開盒後我才發現,這一個foundation別的不說,但份量完全是我一直在碎碎念的重點! 是15g! 你知道要用完一整支25-30ml的粉底要多長時間嗎???? 換了季也還沒有用完! 我個人更對打開後放太長時間的粉底極抗拒,15g真是剛好的一半份量. 網上也有單foundation refill或concealer refill加購.
I only realized this after I opened up the box. The foundation size is at the 'just perfect' 15g! I have this personal obsession over opened but not used up foundation that is sitting around for too long. The standard 25-30ml size foundation are just too much for me. Not to mention that I tend to have 2-3 foundation rotating in use depending on weather.
Essential smooth finish pact (₩ 32,000)就是定妝用的粉餅。這個跟另外的Essential powder illuminator (碎粉盒狀)是不一樣的,illuminator帶有閃粉,非常輕微的glitter, 但應該比較適合上鏡使用。
The compact is used as the setting powder after foundation. I was slightly confused between the loose powder and this one, but turns out the loose powder (Essential powder illuminator) has a slight glitter to it and is probably more fit for on stage or professional shooting use.
Essential enriched mask (₩ 11,000). 這個我可是買回來在酒店用了以後馬上愛上然後第二天火速回頭再買的。用完以後是完全絕對了解什麼叫水潤光澤的!是那種用完會不斷照鏡欣賞皮膚光澤的利害程度!而以價錢算,實在性價比超值!
The mask sheet is a steal at it's current price. We bought one pack and used it the same night at the hotel, and it gave our skin such a gorgeous glow that we immediately decided to go back to buy more.
Essential tinted paste (₩ 28,000). 網上看的時候,我只想這個可能只是一個cream blush的質地。 但後來發現這個cream texture, 雖然是cream, 但濕潤程度比常見的少很多,有點乾身什至用後可能有一點點粉狀.
I thought this would be similar to a cream blush texture, but of course I was wrong. This feels like a cream blush but with much less moisture/cream, yet extremely spreadable. Once applied, it almost turns into a slightly powdery texture and blends in very well.
胭脂色的話有三種,coral, pink, peach. 老實說3種顏色都是易用易配的,Coral說是最受歡
迎,但化妝師建議我用peach, 也就買了peach.
The blush colors I've tried are coral, pink and peach. Coral was the most popular one but the makeup artist suggested the peach for me. I personally find all 3 colors very flexible and in reality, it probably doesn't make that much difference unless your skin color is heavily leaned towards one shade, otherwise all 3 can work for you.
陰影的話有golden和tan, 偏白的人可用golden, 我和朋友則一人各買了一golden一tan.
Golden and tan are the contour colors. My friend who uses the light foundation was told to use the golden paste, whereas both colors would work for me.
另外還有意外地平的化妝掃,我買了最大支的contour brush ₩ 18,000!(下面最右)和一支eye shadow point. 現時剛有全套特價,₩250, 000可以一整套19支掃帶回家! 如果我不是已有一套Piccasso 的9支, 這一套我也會直接買了.
下面照片是JSM Contour brush和Piccasso106, 還有Piccasso brush set內的大掃的對比.
The JSM brushes were surprisingly well priced. The largest contour brush was ₩ 18,000, and the full set of 19 brushes (along with the carrying pouch) is on sale for ₩ 250,000!!! If I do not have the mini set from Piccasso already, I would have bought the whole set without a doubt.
Below is a comparison picture among the JSM Contour brush, the Piccasso 106, and the other Piccasso brush from my set.
The JSM brushes were surprisingly well priced. The largest contour brush was ₩ 18,000, and the full set of 19 brushes (along with the carrying pouch) is on sale for ₩ 250,000!!! If I do not have the mini set from Piccasso already, I would have bought the whole set without a doubt.
Below is a comparison picture among the JSM Contour brush, the Piccasso 106, and the other Piccasso brush from my set.
That's all for now. I also bought the eyeliner gel plus the concealer, which I will write about when I have time. There's also more to this whole fiasco, like I even paid to learn how to use the JSM makeup properly, and the texture of some of their skincare products, which I will post when I have time and have digested a bit more about them.
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